Terms & Conditions
This outlines the framework for services at Manchester Wellbeing Rooms. Your Therapist can go through it with you in the first session of your work together if desired. Please talk with him/her if there is anything you would like clarified. You may be asked to sign a terms and conditions form at your first consultation to acknowledge your understanding and agreement to these terms.
All therapists are registered with appropriate regulatory bodies and practice in accordance with their requirements.
You will discuss and agree what support you want from your Therapist in your first session and review the progress and focus of your work together as you go along.
Information about you disclosed during your sessions or in the pre-consultation forms will be kept confidential. If your Therapist has serious concerns about your safety, or the safety of another person, normal confidentiality may be lifted. You may be asked to provide your GP’s contact details, as someone they may contact in these circumstances. All of your data will be stored in line with GDPR legislation and according to the Privacy Policy (see website). Any reports produced to evaluate the service contain anonymised data and will not contain any identifying information of clients.
Working with Multiple Therapists
Therapists at Manchester Wellbeing Rooms may suggest you see other registered therapists to support your goals. Information about your symptoms and condition will be discussed between therapists so that we can provide you with a co-ordinated therapy plan. Therapists will ask for your informed consent to share information with the other registered therapists and ask if there is anything that you want to remain confidential.
Full or partial payment is required at the time of booking, prior to your first appointment. This can be made by debit or credit card.
We appreciate that circumstances can change. If you need to rearrange an appointment, please let us know at the earliest convenience. Cancelling your appointment up to 24 hours before your first appointment will trigger a full refund. Should you choose to cancel your appointment, for any reason, at any point within 24 hours of your first appointment or afterwards, no refunds will be given.
Clients under 16 years of age
We welcome consultations with clients under 16, but they must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
If you are having a problem with your Therapist, or the service, which you have not been able to resolve with your Therapist, you may raise this by emailing ManchesterWellbeingRooms@gmail.com who will support you in finding a resolution.